User Testing

In order to test my Lo-fi prototype, I created a script to read to a few volunteers for a timed test using my paper prototype to complete my three tasks. I also did some user testing with classmates before the script was completed. Below are my script, the two videos of my user testing, and an analysis of how it went overall.

UX Testing Script

Hello (insert name) my name is Anna, thank you for volunteering to help me test the usability of my new product today. Before we begin, I’d like to give you a bit of background information on my product and also give you an idea of what the testing process will look like.

I am developing a digital, interactive map that is meant to be a fun and entertaining product for children of all ages that still incorporates educational value. During this process you will try to navigate through three tasks to the best of your ability using this prototype as if it were a real screen. Your performance during this test is not a reflection of you, it is simply to test the ease of use of my device.

Your participation is completely voluntary and you are free to stop or take a break at any time throughout the process. During the test I will be making note of your progress through each task and also keeping track of the time it takes you, but I would like to state again this is not testing you, just the product. For this reason, I will not be able to help or interfere during the process in order to get the most accurate results. However, it would be helpful if you could share any of your thinking processes out loud so I can get a better idea of how a user might approach the device, but do whatever you are comfortable with.

Now I will just have you sign a few documents to give your consent to have this process recorded. If you are not comfortable showing your face, I can just record your hands and nothing will be published anywhere without your consent. Any questions? Great, let’s begin and thank you again for volunteering your time to help me test this product.

Lo-Fi Analysis

The first user testing I did with my Lo-fi prototype was in class with Madison and it took her one minute and 49 seconds to complete all three tasks. The only problem she ran into was that to try to learn about Norway for a task, she clicked the countries button at the bottom of the home page instead of the Fun Facts button. The countries button is actually to change the way the map looks from satellite view to borders. Next was Derek who took 2:49 and also was confused by the Countries button for the same task. Hannah tested my prototype next and took 1:38 in total and also was confused by the countries button for two of the tasks. On the next test, it was completed in 1:02 and there was no confusion with the countries button. There was only some slight confusion with the drop down menu on the fun facts page while trying to get to the Norway page. The next three tests were completed by Angela, Ann-Marie, and Megan and they took 1:16, 1:43, and 1:22 respectively. They all experienced similar confusion with the countries button and the Norway task.

After getting this feedback I decided that the best thing to do would be to redesign the home page since that was where most of the trouble seemed to occur. I made the buttons for Quizzes, Fun Facts, and Photos larger and I changed the word Countries to the word Borders at the bottom so it hopefully would not attract as much attention for my history of Norway task. While doing user testing at home with the improved home screen I tested two more people. First I tested my Mom who was a bit confused by the concept of the Lo-fi testing in general but was able to complete the tasks in 2:10. She had a bit of confusion exiting out of the quiz and getting back to the home screen and on some pages, the home screen was still visible with the old label and this did cause some confusion as well. I think it could be easily avoided if I had changed the label on all pages. Next I tested my boyfriend David and he completed all the tasks in 1:20. The only problem he faced was clicking the history lesson button while still on the quizzes page when trying to get to the history of Norway. This could be changed as I have not yet set in stone all of the content on that page, but I could also make it so that it does link to the correct place as it is logical anyways.